Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 24. August 2023 in Poem |

2022, du er døden nær.
Forløsningen av 2023 venter.
Vi kan starte på nytt, her.
Det nye livet er i senter.

Vakkert spedbarn gir håp.
Håp om et levelig år.
Livets vår får snart en dåp.
Ledes inn i bedre kår.

La barnet vokse seg lykkelig.
Inn i en varmere tilstand.
Livet kan være vanskelig
Men vi vet hva vi kan.

Lyset skal skinne i 2023.
Freden skal senke seg.
Vi mennesker skal se
At det går vår vei.

2023, du er hjertelig velkommen!



Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 9. April 2016 in Humanrights, Politics |

Norway, a rich country with wonderful welfare benefits for its residents. We are fortunate to be born here. We might as well have been born in a poor country. We should be very grateful that we live here.

But to stay in such a country obliges. We cannot insist on our welfare when people in need is knocking at our door. We cannot say: ‘we have no room,’ ‘we have a problem here, too,’ ‘we have no jobs for you “,” we cannot afford this”.

No, we have to sacrifice a part of our welfare benefits, to welcome our new residents. We must be unselfish, and optionally sacrifice some of our welfare benefits. We have no right to let be.

To rectify some of the injustices in the coincidences, we must do our duty in global community.

We must accept them with open arms, preferably of care, or secondarily of duty. For we have that moral duty in a world of injustice.

Norway must stop being a selfish society. The world has not deserved it!

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Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 9. April 2016 in Humanrights, Norwegian, Politics |

Norge, et rikt land med fantastiske velferdsgoder for sine innbyggere. Vi er heldige som er født her. Vi kunne like gjerne vært født i et fattig land. Vi bør være veldig takknemlige som kan bo her.

Men å bo i et slikt land forplikter. Vi kan ikke tviholde på vår velferd når mennesker i nød banker på vår dør. Vi kan ikke si: «vi har ikke plass», «vi har problemer her, også», «vi har ikke jobber, nok», «vi har ikke råd».

Nei, vi må ofre en del av våre goder, for å ta imot våre nye innbyggere. Vi må være uselviske, og evt. ofre noen av våre velferdsgoder. Vi har ingen rett til å la vær.

For å rette på noe av urettferdighetene i tilfeldighetene, må vi gjøre vår plikt i verdenssamfunnet.

Vi må ta dem imot med åpne armer, helst av omsorg, sekundert av plikt. For vi har en moralsk plikt i en verden av urettferdighet.

Norge må slutte å være et egoistisk samfunn. Verden har ikke fortjent det!

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Stolen emotions

Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 8. April 2016 in Poem |


Like a puppet on a string
my emotions where played
to comply to hers
Lost in nowhere land


The roles were turned upside down
Your infantility distorted me
Matriarki in morbid expression
My sense of living collapsed


Transformed to an emotional robot
Lived life in a trance
Matriarkal hypnosis drove me forward
Life became a charade


I crave to get my emotions back
This gork needs to wake up
Need to live life fully
No holding back!

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Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 8. April 2016 in Poem |


Debris of words, clutter the mind.

Traces of sense get lost.

My serenity is broken.

Need to drift away!




Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 7. April 2016 in Norwegian, Poem |


Gi meg
et liv

før og

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Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 7. April 2016 in Norwegian, Poem |


Dette skrev jeg til en venn som var avhengig av amfetamin.

en venn
med emosjonelle kvaliteter

Bare det
å spre glede
blant folk
er et livsverk
som overgår alt

Takk for
at du
er til

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Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 7. April 2016 in Norwegian, Poem |


fra livets seilas.
kom meg med
på neste skip.

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The resurrection of Jesus today

Posted by Iver Neumann-Korsgaard on 27. March 2016 in Drug policy, Gay Rights, Humanrights, Politics, Religion |

Where would Jesus resurrect today?

Maybe amongst the hunted drug addicts. To help restoring their dignity.


Or perhaps as a transgender to emphasize their right to be themselves. Without beeing herassed for their existence.


He might appear in Burundi; feeding the starving children. Showing the world it’s great unfairness.


He could pop up in Dayr al-Balah in Gaza. Where he would tell the Israelites to stop seizing land from the Palestinians. He would say: Netanyahu, give the Palestinians back their land!


In Yangon he could show himself for Aung San Suu Kyi, to help her end the Rohingya genocide.


If he resurfaced in Downtown Manhattan, he could teach stock sharks about the global imbalances in economics.


Showing up in the Idomeni refugee camp, he would show the western world that it’s not the EU countries who are suffering a cricis, but the refugees who need shelter and care.


So dear God, please send him soon! He is sorely needed in this Godforsaken world. We need your perspective on things.


Happy Easter, God!


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