2022, du er døden nær.Forløsningen av 2023 venter.Vi kan starte på nytt, her.Det nye livet er i senter. Vakkert spedbarn gir håp.Håp om et levelig år.Livets vår får snart en dåp.Ledes inn i bedre kår. La barnet vokse seg lykkelig.Inn i en varmere tilstand.Livet kan være vanskeligMen vi vet hva vi kan. Lyset skal skinne […]
Stolen emotions

Like a puppet on a string my emotions where played to comply to hers Lost in nowhere land The roles were turned upside down Your infantility distorted me Matriarki in morbid expression My sense of living collapsed Transformed to an emotional robot Lived life in a trance Matriarkal hypnosis drove me forward […]

Debris of words, clutter the mind. Traces of sense get lost. My serenity is broken. Need to drift away!

Dette skrev jeg til en venn som var avhengig av amfetamin. Du er en venn med emosjonelle kvaliteter Bare det å spre glede blant folk er et livsverk som overgår alt Takk for at du er til
The Flames of Shame

The flames of shame kindled by authorities of love containing distorted integrity ashes of nothing remains Bewildered by the guidance stumbles through life in overwhelming chaos the inner me erodes The fear becomes your friend the fear becomes your enemy love is tangled with evil life becomes an obstacle course Swaying, unsteady course becomes his […]
The evil Principal of Love

Life with all it’s glory, lies before him. He takes a bite and is enjoying it. Flash; The evil Principal of Love. Crumble, crumble. Dying internally. Darkness! Repeating testimonies of his wrongness and here rightness cripples him, surely Distorted feelings leading the way in narrow paths finding meaning Flash; The evil Principal of Love. Crumble, […]
The Shields

The shields are gone. My self-esteem is lying there as an open wound aching in pain. My spine is threatening to break. Kept up by stubbornness and gleam of light from the one I love. My girl is keeping me alive by her kind understanding and her loving tenderness barely appreciated by a […]