Dynamitt….Sprenge Kinn…………..Klemme Univers……..Menneske Det rumler i magen Bena spreller og nesa rykker Vakre mennesker banker på Hjernen vrimler Jeg er ikke jeg du er ikke du Alt forkludres av tidens ånd Den interne sol går opp og ned Den følger den eksterne i den indres takt De individuelle rytmer forenes…….. av og til ……… kun […]
Blå flukt

Fløyte-toner vrimler i luften. Den blå klangen skaper en uhygge i meg. Med ett blir tonene brutt av en svale som letter. Den flakser med silke-hvite marmorvinger høyt oppe og blir borte i det store havet.
Norwegian asylum policy convicted in the “European Court of Human Rights”

This is simply a scandal and a disgrace for Norway! I have blogged on this issue 4th of May 2012: Blog post Butt v. Norway (no. 47017/09) The applicants, Johangir Abbas and Fozia Butt, brother and sister, are Pakistani nationals who were born in 1985 and 1986 respectively and live in Oslo. They arrived in Norway […]
Hind is my Shero

A recent picture of Khalid crying while his mother laying down in the hospital! posted by: Her name is Hind, she decided to go on a hunger strike 21 days ago, she has a little son called Khalid, who is always crying for his mother, asking when she is coming back home, her […]
Women human rights between Saudi and Norway!!!
I was raised in the Middle East, for a middle class educated family; at the end of 2008 I moved to Norway with my family. I always think and compare, between the two regions. Europe vs. the Middle East! I always ask myself, what have changed in me and what didn’t? How the Norwegian society […]
UN special rap. on human rights for migrants are concerned about the return agreement with Ethiopia
THE LETTER: Copy of original! His Excellency Mr. Steffen Kongstad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Norway Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations Office at Geneva From: Jane Connors Special Procedures Branch OHCHR Date: 23 March 2012 NATIONS UNIES HAUT COMMISSARIAT DES NATIONS UNIES AUX DROITS DE L’HOMME PROCEDURES SPECIALES DU CONSEIL […]
Papirløses ytringsfrihet – finnes den? (English txt)
INVITATION/PRESS RELEASE Norwegian PEN invites to the seminar From NOAS.NO Papirløses ytringsfrihet – finnes den? on the Literature House (Nedjma), Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo Tuesday, 21. February 23, 1900 At this seminar we put the focus on free speech and free opportunities for our paperless asylum seekers. Norwegian journalists Jane Kjellberg and Caroline Rugeldal has […]
Event – Papirloses Situasjon I Norge Debate In Norwegian – 9th February 2012.
Papirloses Situasjon I Norge Debate In Norwegian – The Human Rights Human Wrongs Film Festival (HRHW), 7th February – 12th February 2012. Organised by Oslo Documentary Cinema and Human Rights House Oslo.