Edward Joseph Snowden – A hero!

What options did he have?
1. Turn to the US “Whistleblower Protection Program”.
Do you really think they would treat him fairly? No, they would treat him as a criminal to set an example for everyone who want try something similar. Therefore, this was NOT an option for Snowden!
2. Shut up about it.
Yes, he could but would not. The info was too important to shut up about.
3. Tell the US authorities and get rich by pressing them for money to shut up.
Yes, he could and live a comfortable life hereon.
None of these options was acceptable for Snowden. He did a brave act to expose the truth.
His only option were then to seek asylum in an other country.
Any country who do not support the US way of handling this, should be as brave as Snowden, and grant him asylum.

Konglomeratets støv
børstes vekk
fra skjorten
til den lunefulle
Støyens begjær
svinner hen
i et slør
av ro
Svulmende orkidéer
fra en kilde
av smør
Fukten synger
klare toner
av dunkel
tilintetgjørende fred
Skoen trykker
ved sin lest
lyset vakler
i det mørke rom

Morbid, conditional love,
overwhelms you,
creates another you,
who becomes you.
The spider crawls inside you,
devours your inner self,
mutilated …… invisibly,
who have you become?
Hiding your inner self,
struggling to cope,
feelings become excruciating,
longing, but fails.
Who are you?
the most lethal question,
impossible to respond to,
anxiety becomes unbearable.
The falsum of yourself
set traps for you,
sooner or later,
you stumble and fall.
The circle of your life
continues uninterrupted,
the web is spun continuously,
the falsum is encapsulated.
Iver Neumann
Norwegian asylum policy convicted in the “European Court of Human Rights”

This is simply a scandal and a disgrace for Norway!
I have blogged on this issue 4th of May 2012:
Blog post
Butt v. Norway (no. 47017/09)
The applicants, Johangir Abbas and Fozia Butt, brother and sister, are Pakistani nationals who were born in 1985 and 1986 respectively and live in Oslo. They arrived in Norway in1989 with their mother and were granted a residence permit on humanitarian grounds.
In 1999 their permits were withdrawn and they were refused further residence in
Norway as their mother had lied to the immigration authorities (notably they had left
Norway and returned to Pakistan from 1992 to early 1996). Relying on Article 8 (right torespect for private and family life and the home), the applicants complained that their deportation to Pakistan would break the strong ties they have with Norway where they have lived since they were young children with their aunt and uncle, their mother having gone into hiding in 2000-2001, been expelled in 2005 and died in 2007. On the otherhand, their links to Pakistan were weak: they have had no contact since 1996 with their father whose abusive behaviour had prompted their mother to leave Pakistan, and they have a limited grasp of Urdu.
Violation of Article 8 (in the event of the applicants’ deportation)
Just satisfaction: EUR 15,000 to the applicants jointly (pecuniary damage), EUR 3,000
to each applicant (non-pecuniary damage) and EUR 20,000 to the applincants jointly
(costs and expenses)
Why do you hate us?

Can I ask a question? Why the world hate us? Yes, us, Palestinian refugees? Why they claim to support our cause while they don’t spare a chance to insult us as individuals? Why Lebanon is denying assistance to Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria? Why Jordan is doing the same and have done the same with the Palestinians who ran away from Iraq when they were targeted in 2006-2007? Why Iraqis killed us and still detain many of us? Why Palestinians holding travel documents are denied entry to many world destinations? Why Norway is leaving Neda and me in limbo? Yes, Why do you hate us? All your actions show that you do, on the other hand your words are showing the opposite, but I’m obliged to believe your actions not what you say to me, so I’m asking you why? What did we do to deserve this? You were the ones who asked our grandparents to leave Palestine so you can liberate it from the Zionists who occupied it in 1948, you were the ones who asked us to be refugees and you offered your countries for us and made it impossible to seek return. You were the ones who signed all these refugees and stateless conventions, pretending to take your international responsibilities toward us and others in the same exact position. You were the ones who kept us stateless with no rights, you were the ones who made it almost impossible for us to move forward in life…But you know what we don’t hate you back, we love you, We love because we have been oppressed for so long to know that hatred only generate hatred and nothing good will come out of it!
More about me:
The picture show a dead Palestinian Child tried to flee the war in Syria with her family, found no country to accept them as refugees although they lived as refugees all their entire life, so they tried the next available option, crossing the sea to Europe, so they can finally have a decent life and stop being stateless… This child didn’t live to see her dream come true, but Neda and others are still alive they count on you don’t let them down!
Human Rights Petition: (All Human Rights Organizations): STOP SENDING ARMS TO THE ASSAD REGIME! STOP THE BLOODSHED! | Change.org

Human Rights Petition: (All Human Rights Organizations): STOP SENDING ARMS TO THE ASSAD REGIME! STOP THE BLOODSHED! | Change.org.
To take Legal Action against the countries of China, Iran and Russia for
Sending ships to Syria to blatantly kill the People of Syria~ and Egypt for allowing these ships thru the Suez Canal.
Negotiations for the Arms Trade Treaty will take place July 2-27, 2012 in New York.
Campaign Against the Arms Trade warns:
‘An arms trade treaty will be worthwhile only if it stops arms sales .. to areas of conflict and to human rights violators. It is unlikely the proposed treaty will do this….
Unsurprisingly, the arms trade treaty is supported by the arms industry which sees it as providing a “level playing field” rather than imposing additional constraints.’
Ref: Amnesty International reported on the 19th June:
‘The increased use of helicopters by the Syrian army is putting civilians at even greater risk and further strengthens the case for an international arms embargo,
The latest shipment underscores the need for UN members to agree an effective international Arms Trade Treaty – when final negotiations begin in a few weeks – that will protect human rights and stop arms transfers where there is a substantial risk they are likely to be used for serious human rights violations or international crimes.
In the course of its research work in Syria during April and May, Amnesty International has found that helicopters have regularly been used for cover and surveillance during ground operations.
Helicopters have also been used to fire machine guns and reportedly rockets. As with other arms, Syrian forces have used helicopters recklessly, leading to civilian casualties.’
Amnesty International’s Senior Crisis Adviser Donatella Rovera, after recently spending several weeks in Syria, reported:
“As confrontations between the Syrian army and armed opposition groups have intensified in recent weeks, the Syrian army seems to be resorting ever more to the use of combat helicopters, which risks increasing civilian casualties.
“In this context, anyone supplying attack helicopters – or maintaining, repairing or upgrading them – for the Syrian government displays a wanton disregard for humanity.”
A tragedy foretold: Norway condemns Uzbek activist to jail and torture | UNCUT

“I will be arrested the minute I land in Uzbekistan and then thrown in prison,” an Uzbek human rights activist tells me, “and what happens with me afterwards is a good question.”
via A tragedy foretold: Norway condemns Uzbek activist to jail and torture | UNCUT.
Hind is my Shero

A recent picture of Khalid crying while his mother
laying down in the hospital!
posted by:
Her name is Hind, she decided to go on a hunger strike 21 days ago, she has a little son called Khalid, who is always crying for his mother, asking when she is coming back home, her husband Bassam is really wishing she’ll overcome this difficult time… More people are interested in the cause now but I still feel it’s too little, too late!
None of the officials in the Norwegian Immigration department bothered themselves to ask him what that she wants, why she is doing this to herself and her family, what happened!
I always had this feeling, being a refugee or an asylum seeker in Norway is insignificant, one is only a number with minimum human rights. The worth of the refugees to the current heartless Norwegian system is a big fat ZERO, now I know for a fact it’s true, It’s not because UDI (Norwegian Immigration Department) don’t keep statistics about those who die in the asylum receptions…Not because the last “«barn på flukt” law was a big PR stunt… Also Not because around Christmas last year the state secretary told the rejected asylum seekers it’s ok for them to starve if the money given by the state is not enough, after he was informed that few asylum seekers are fainting of hunger, and he added if they don’t like it they can always leave…
No, not all of the above, but it’s their reaction to a case like Hind’s, a young 31 mother, came to Norway with her child and husband, why she would do this to herself, unless she is so desperate, the way they are dealing with the problem after 21 days of hunger striking is really bothering me!
The Norwegian government is throwing away fundamental values of the society such as solidarity, compassion, empathy, etc…They don’t realize the disaster they are doing to their own country and even if they did, I don’t think they really care!
They are indeed destroying the term solidarity and all its pretty meanings and turning it into another empty word they use when it’s convenient, when they want to brag about fake things that don’t exist practically anymore.
Thank you Norway, Hind today on her 21st day of hunger strike, her blood pressure is 80 over 45 according to her husband…It’s not normal to be left to die, just because someone feel their rules and laws are flawless and should be applied no matter what… Flash-news guys, rules are made to serve us not the other way around!
By the way, Hind, me and others are worth it, even if UDI and UNE don’t believe that , Why? because every human on this planet worth living, and every refugee worth become a citizen of an existing state. Hind today fights for her right and her family’s right, but not only this, she also fights for me, my family and the 61% rejected stateless people during the year 2011!
She is indeed my (S)Hero!
For updates on hind’s case, please join her support group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StottegruppeForHindOgBassam
You can also follow tweets with the following hashtags:#PalHunger in #Norway #Arendal
Norway faces human rights crisis
I got shocking news in the evening; it was posted by a friend of mine who keeps a very close eye on the news in Norway, especially the asylum policies’ and refugees’ news. The news stated that a 31 years old Palestinian wife and mother have started food strike and this has been going on since 18 days today. We are hearing about many food strikers these days, especially Palestinians who are fighting for their freedom and who are sick of the unreasonableness their prosecutors in Israel. The unique thing about this story, that the 31 years old pharmacist lives in Norway, Yes, the same Norway that located in Europe, as a rejected asylum seeker!
She couldn’t imagine going back to Gaza where she ran away from two years ago, became a refugee in Norway and they have rejected her request for protection. One might think this is an extreme measure to make a statement, but when one is facing death in case of return, sometimes one can see no way out but ending their own lives. The Norwegian society in general are a very peaceful society, with no strong reactions such as these, but as undocumented asylum seeker who have been suffering from the current government practices and their stubborn and ignorant actions, I can see why someone like Mrs. Hamad would do this and why she would go on with her strike and refuse to break it off before she get to stay. I don’t support strong actions in general but I do understand desperation !
Dear Mr. Stoltenberg, we are humans, one has limited tolerance before they breakdown, hope you’ll stop being so ignorant and draw a line to when you should stop sucking up to your racists voters, because nor you or them want more dead asylum seekers on your conscience!
My heart and prayers goes for the Hamad’s family, I wish she get to survive, and her son get to live with his mother again!
Link to the Norwegian News: