Norway, a rich country with wonderful welfare benefits for its residents. We are fortunate to be born here. We might as well have been born in a poor country. We should be very grateful that we live here. But to stay in such a country obliges. We cannot insist on our welfare when people in […]

Norge, et rikt land med fantastiske velferdsgoder for sine innbyggere. Vi er heldige som er født her. Vi kunne like gjerne vært født i et fattig land. Vi bør være veldig takknemlige som kan bo her. Men å bo i et slikt land forplikter. Vi kan ikke tviholde på vår velferd når mennesker i nød […]
The resurrection of Jesus today

Where would Jesus resurrect today? Maybe amongst the hunted drug addicts. To help restoring their dignity. Or perhaps as a transgender to emphasize their right to be themselves. Without beeing herassed for their existence. He might appear in Burundi; feeding the starving children. Showing the world it’s great unfairness. He could pop up in Dayr […]
Edward Joseph Snowden – A hero!

What options did he have? 1. Turn to the US “Whistleblower Protection Program”. Do you really think they would treat him fairly? No, they would treat him as a criminal to set an example for everyone who want try something similar. Therefore, this was NOT an option for Snowden! 2. Shut up about it. Yes, […]
Norwegian asylum policy convicted in the “European Court of Human Rights”

This is simply a scandal and a disgrace for Norway! I have blogged on this issue 4th of May 2012: Blog post Butt v. Norway (no. 47017/09) The applicants, Johangir Abbas and Fozia Butt, brother and sister, are Pakistani nationals who were born in 1985 and 1986 respectively and live in Oslo. They arrived in Norway […]
Why do you hate us?

Can I ask a question? Why the world hate us? Yes, us, Palestinian refugees? Why they claim to support our cause while they don’t spare a chance to insult us as individuals? Why Lebanon is denying assistance to Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria? Why Jordan is doing the same and have done the same with the […]
Human Rights Petition: (All Human Rights Organizations): STOP SENDING ARMS TO THE ASSAD REGIME! STOP THE BLOODSHED! |

Human Rights Petition: (All Human Rights Organizations): STOP SENDING ARMS TO THE ASSAD REGIME! STOP THE BLOODSHED! | To take Legal Action against the countries of China, Iran and Russia for Sending ships to Syria to blatantly kill the People of Syria~ and Egypt for allowing these ships thru the Suez Canal. Negotiations […]
A tragedy foretold: Norway condemns Uzbek activist to jail and torture | UNCUT

“I will be arrested the minute I land in Uzbekistan and then thrown in prison,” an Uzbek human rights activist tells me, “and what happens with me afterwards is a good question.” via A tragedy foretold: Norway condemns Uzbek activist to jail and torture | UNCUT.