Hind is my Shero

A recent picture of Khalid crying while his mother laying down in the hospital! posted by: https://www.facebook.com/StottegruppeForHindOgBassam Her name is Hind, she decided to go on a hunger strike 21 days ago, she has a little son called Khalid, who is always crying for his mother, asking when she is coming back home, her […]
Norway faces human rights crisis
I got shocking news in the evening; it was posted by a friend of mine who keeps a very close eye on the news in Norway, especially the asylum policies’ and refugees’ news. The news stated that a 31 years old Palestinian wife and mother have started food strike and this has been going on […]
UN special rap. on human rights for migrants are concerned about the return agreement with Ethiopia
THE LETTER: Copy of original! His Excellency Mr. Steffen Kongstad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Norway Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations Office at Geneva From: Jane Connors Special Procedures Branch OHCHR Date: 23 March 2012 NATIONS UNIES HAUT COMMISSARIAT DES NATIONS UNIES AUX DROITS DE L’HOMME PROCEDURES SPECIALES DU CONSEIL […]
NOAS BREV TIL FAREMO (ang. returavtalen med Etiopia)
SE SIDEN PÅ NOAS.NO SE RETURAVTALEN HER Norsk organisasjon for asylsøkere (NOAS) er kritiske til flere aspekter av returavtalen som ble inngått mellom norske og etiopiske myndigheter 26. januar i år. Avtalen med Etiopia skiller seg fra tilsvarende avtaler med andre land på flere punkter. Det er dessuten fortsatt mye som er uklart når det […]