Talen til Bruden min – The speech to my Bride

For English Kjære vakre kona mi! Jeg elsker deg. Nå er vi endelig gift. Alle gode ting er 3 🙂 Det er så mange ting jeg skulle sagt om deg og forholdet vårt. Jeg klarer dessverre ikke å holde en lang tale. Du vet hvordan det er. Tusen takk for at du fant meg. Du […]
What does Norway look like for a paperless person?

Mentally Tired, Emotionally drained, sick of life, mentally tortured…These are common phrases that became part of my daily life, the day I’m not saying them loud, I’m thinking them, or I can see them written silently on my mother and sister faces. When I first arrived in Norway it was the 23rd of December […]
Papirløses ytringsfrihet – finnes den? (English txt)
INVITATION/PRESS RELEASE Norwegian PEN invites to the seminar From NOAS.NO Papirløses ytringsfrihet – finnes den? on the Literature House (Nedjma), Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo Tuesday, 21. February 23, 1900 At this seminar we put the focus on free speech and free opportunities for our paperless asylum seekers. Norwegian journalists Jane Kjellberg and Caroline Rugeldal has […]
Gaddafi’s speech apr 30 2011 – Simultaneous tweeting – (aka simultaneous interpreting)

Simultaneous tweeting by:@ChangeInLibya @hamzamu @Libyan @BentBenghazi @carolv27 @ShababLibya @LeShaque @Liberty4Libya @THerwees @nadiaalsheikh @RRowleyTucson @IbnOmar2005 @libyansrevolt @ahmed @dooolism @weddady ChangeInLibya Mhalwes Ok Gaddafi’s speech is..airing now hamzamu hamzamu #Libya : Gaddafi now on Libayan State TV , admit his SON ” Khames ” is Killed but claims Italians Killed him in Battle !!!! Libyan Tripolitanian […]