Norwegian asylum policy convicted in the “European Court of Human Rights”

This is simply a scandal and a disgrace for Norway! I have blogged on this issue 4th of May 2012: Blog post Butt v. Norway (no. 47017/09) The applicants, Johangir Abbas and Fozia Butt, brother and sister, are Pakistani nationals who were born in 1985 and 1986 respectively and live in Oslo. They arrived in Norway […]
Women human rights between Saudi and Norway!!!
I was raised in the Middle East, for a middle class educated family; at the end of 2008 I moved to Norway with my family. I always think and compare, between the two regions. Europe vs. the Middle East! I always ask myself, what have changed in me and what didn’t? How the Norwegian society […]
UN special rap. on human rights for migrants are concerned about the return agreement with Ethiopia
THE LETTER: Copy of original! His Excellency Mr. Steffen Kongstad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Norway Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations Office at Geneva From: Jane Connors Special Procedures Branch OHCHR Date: 23 March 2012 NATIONS UNIES HAUT COMMISSARIAT DES NATIONS UNIES AUX DROITS DE L’HOMME PROCEDURES SPECIALES DU CONSEIL […]
Gaddafi’s speech apr 30 2011 – Simultaneous tweeting – (aka simultaneous interpreting)

Simultaneous tweeting by:@ChangeInLibya @hamzamu @Libyan @BentBenghazi @carolv27 @ShababLibya @LeShaque @Liberty4Libya @THerwees @nadiaalsheikh @RRowleyTucson @IbnOmar2005 @libyansrevolt @ahmed @dooolism @weddady ChangeInLibya Mhalwes Ok Gaddafi’s speech is..airing now hamzamu hamzamu #Libya : Gaddafi now on Libayan State TV , admit his SON ” Khames ” is Killed but claims Italians Killed him in Battle !!!! Libyan Tripolitanian […]