Edward Joseph Snowden – A hero!

What options did he have? 1. Turn to the US “Whistleblower Protection Program”. Do you really think they would treat him fairly? No, they would treat him as a criminal to set an example for everyone who want try something similar. Therefore, this was NOT an option for Snowden! 2. Shut up about it. Yes, […]
Hind is my Shero

A recent picture of Khalid crying while his mother laying down in the hospital! posted by: https://www.facebook.com/StottegruppeForHindOgBassam Her name is Hind, she decided to go on a hunger strike 21 days ago, she has a little son called Khalid, who is always crying for his mother, asking when she is coming back home, her […]
Norway faces human rights crisis
I got shocking news in the evening; it was posted by a friend of mine who keeps a very close eye on the news in Norway, especially the asylum policies’ and refugees’ news. The news stated that a 31 years old Palestinian wife and mother have started food strike and this has been going on […]
NORWAY HAS BECOME A COUNTRY THAT WE DON’T LIKE TO BE COMPARED WITH! Our Norwegian society begins to have frightening similarities to countries we do not like being compared to. First, people disappear. Police come and pick them up, often at night, when nobody sees it. Suddenly they are gone. They live in reception centers […]
UN special rap. on human rights for migrants are concerned about the return agreement with Ethiopia
THE LETTER: Copy of original! His Excellency Mr. Steffen Kongstad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Norway Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations Office at Geneva From: Jane Connors Special Procedures Branch OHCHR Date: 23 March 2012 NATIONS UNIES HAUT COMMISSARIAT DES NATIONS UNIES AUX DROITS DE L’HOMME PROCEDURES SPECIALES DU CONSEIL […]
What does Norway look like for a paperless person?

Mentally Tired, Emotionally drained, sick of life, mentally tortured…These are common phrases that became part of my daily life, the day I’m not saying them loud, I’m thinking them, or I can see them written silently on my mother and sister faces. When I first arrived in Norway it was the 23rd of December […]
Papirløses ytringsfrihet – finnes den? (English txt)
INVITATION/PRESS RELEASE Norwegian PEN invites to the seminar From NOAS.NO Papirløses ytringsfrihet – finnes den? on the Literature House (Nedjma), Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo Tuesday, 21. February 23, 1900 At this seminar we put the focus on free speech and free opportunities for our paperless asylum seekers. Norwegian journalists Jane Kjellberg and Caroline Rugeldal has […]
Tolvtejanuar_nettside. The Association of January 12th’s objectives are to contribute to public attention to Norway’s asylum- and immigration policies, as well as to work for a humane, just, and inclusive treatment of refugees and asylum-seekers in accordance with international conventions and the intentions of the asylum institution. The Association is party-politically independent. Foreningen av tolvte […]