Norway faces human rights crisis

Posted by Dana Mahmoud on 15. June 2012 in Humanrights, Norwegian, Politics |

I got shocking news in the evening; it was posted by a friend of mine who keeps a very close eye on the news in Norway, especially the asylum policies’ and refugees’ news. The news stated that a 31 years old Palestinian wife and mother have started food strike and this has been going on since 18 days today. We are hearing about many food strikers these days, especially Palestinians who are fighting for their freedom and who are sick of the unreasonableness their prosecutors in Israel. The unique thing about this story, that the 31 years old pharmacist lives in Norway, Yes, the same Norway that located in Europe, as a rejected asylum seeker!
She couldn’t imagine going back to Gaza where she ran away from two years ago, became a refugee in Norway and they have rejected her request for protection. One might think this is an extreme measure to make a statement, but when one is facing death in case of return, sometimes one can see no way out but ending their own lives. The Norwegian society in general are a very peaceful society, with no strong reactions such as these, but as undocumented asylum seeker who have been suffering from the current government practices and their stubborn and ignorant actions, I can see why someone like Mrs. Hamad would do this and why she would go on with her strike and refuse to break it off before she get to stay. I don’t support strong actions in general but I do understand desperation !
Dear Mr. Stoltenberg, we are humans, one has limited tolerance before they breakdown, hope you’ll stop being so ignorant and draw a line to when you should stop sucking up to your racists voters, because nor you or them want more dead asylum seekers on your conscience!
My heart and prayers goes for the Hamad’s family, I wish she get to survive, and her son get to live with his mother again!

Link to the Norwegian News:

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My family is originally Palestinian from Haifa. My grandparents (from both sides) were born in Haifa, which is now part of Israel. In 1948, during the conflict that followed the 1947 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 (11) ‘Future Government of Palestine’ (also called the Partition Plan for Palestine), my grandparents, on both sides, left for safety to Basra, Iraq. For 6 months they were in flight because of the violence and death that broke out in the Haifa region. Then they moved to Baghdad, Iraq. I call myself a Palestinian Iraqi female. I used to hold an Iraqi document that allowed me to legally live in Iraq and other countries, including the UAE – United Arab Emirates. This document was valid for me and my family until 2006. As a result of the war my family and I became stateless. In 2008, I applied for asylum, in Norway, for myself and my family. But we were refused legal permissions. In the process I applied with the UDI – the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration. We were refused after 22 months of waiting. I appealed the decision, but it was rejected. Why? For two reasons: Because our 1948 document of permissions from Iraq had been discontinued. Also, because we came to Norway, not from Iraq, but via the United Arab Emirates. Because of this, were not considered war victims. we could not return to the UAE or to Iraq legally. We feel we have been left with no life. We have no passports. No way of legal travel. No valid residency. No official recognition from the countries of our past. No recognition inside the country of our future – Norway where we now live. Now our future is vague. We are adrift, in pain, with no legal place to go. We are stateless and paperless. For the full story please check:

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  • Iver Neumann says:

    Please comment to this in English! International organizations is monitoring this post.

  • Iver Neumann says:

    Extremely important reading!!!! Please read and respond.

  • Cordula Giewald says:

    It is our obligation as humans to provide asylum to those who are in need! Nobody leaves his homeland and his family and friends without a reason! I urge the Norwegian authorities to allow her to stay in Norway, and her family as well! She needs HELP! Asylum is a human right!

    • Dana Mahmoud says:

      I agree with your Cordula, the situation is very critical, Children, men and women are left to die slowly and with no ability to be returned back, or the ones who they can return them they are here for serious reasons, and I’m not talking only about Palestinians also other nationalities!
      It’s bad bad bad and very shameful…In the name of equality and fairness they never go back on their decisions which make me sick of them and their demeaning attitude toward us!

    • Holla says:

      Norwegians are well aware of asylum seekers persecution in their homeland but in other hand they are always worried for their economy. they are always giving value and priority for their economy than Humanity, they always talk and state how much immigrants affect their economy. Arrogance get beyond the limit

  • amina says:

    Thank you for writing about their story, they apretiate it! It is so important that you stand up for what you see is wrong, and the best way to do so is with words and non violent actions. I am sure Bassam will be happy to read what you wrote! If you care to join their support group please go to:

    Thank you!

    • Dana Mahmoud says:

      I surely agree Amina,NO VIOLENCE ,I’m glad that with so much little I can draw a smile on his face and I really wish his family will overcome this very difficult time!
      Thanks also for the Palestinian community in Arendal whom have gone to the hospital right away for support…Will try my best to visit on Monday 😀

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